己斐国民学校は、軍の医務機関になっていた。 <br>
みな、そこで火傷の治療をしてもらおうと、己斐の山をめざしていた。 <br>
しかし、そこでは大した治療が出来るはずもなく、人々はどんどん倒れ、息絶えていく。 <br>
学校では、下の運動場で死体を焼き、上の教室には、幾重にも死体が積み上げられていく。 <br>
焼けきらなくても、次から次へと事務的に焼かれていった。 <br>
My school, Koi Elementary School, was used as a military medical facility.  People were heading to the hills of Koi, to where my school was.  They came for the treatment of their burns.  But they could get only very limited treatment and many simply died there.<br>
On the lower playground, dead bodies were cremated and the upper playground was used as a mortuary.  Dead bodies were piled up in many layers.  There, they were cremated one after another, there seemed to be no end.

My school, Koi Elementary School, was used as a military medical facility. People were heading to the hills of Koi, to where my school was. They came for the treatment of their burns. But they could get only very limited treatment and many simply died there.
On the lower playground, dead bodies were cremated and the upper playground was used as a mortuary. Dead bodies were piled up in many layers. There, they were cremated one after another, there seemed to be no end.